Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How to Prevent Cardio from Burning Muscle How to Prevent Cardio from Burning Muscle

If you’re ready to increase or maintain your muscle tone, strength training is a key part of that. But don't skip the cardio, as it's a key component of your fitness plan. Choosing effective cardio exercises to help your body stay healthy so that you can build muscle is the way to go. Try to balance your routine by doing effective cardio workouts and alternating them with strength training. Even if you're new to working out, you can have fun with it. Look for activities that you enjoy and jump right in! Just make sure to check with your doctor if you're new to exercising.


[Edit]Effective Cardio Workouts

  1. Get at least 150 minutes of endurance exercise each week. Don’t cut out cardio if you want to retain muscle. It’s important for keeping your muscles strong, so make sure to incorporate cardio into your routine multiple times a week. Aim for 150 minutes total and break that up into manageable sessions. You could try doing 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, or whatever works best for your schedule.[1]
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    • If you're just starting out, walking is a great way to ease into exercising. If you're looking for something more intense, just make sure to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Take it at your own pace. Just doing it is something to feel proud of.
    • There's no need to take rest days between cardio sessions, unless you are doing something really intense, like training for a marathon. But if you feel like you need a rest, go ahead and take it.
  2. Pick a workout you enjoy to stay motivated. If you like something, the more likely you are to keep doing it. Try several different cardio options to find one that you enjoy. Don't try to force yourself to do something you hate just because it's popular. Not everyone needs to be into running or spinning. Do what feels good to you.[2]
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    • If you like to be outdoors, think about doing some hiking or trying something like kayaking.
    • Swimming is a great choice if you like the water or if you want to keep pressure off of your joints.
    • Don't be afraid to try lots of different things to see what feels best to you, and don't be afraid to switch to something else if you get bored.
  3. Invest in a machine to help yourself stay on track. A cardio machine is a great choice if you don't want to think too much about what kind of workout to do. Buying a machine can also help you save on gym fees! Ask friends or family if they have anything they recommend. You can also stop into a sporting goods store and try out a few different machines to see what feels good to you. Popular choices include:[3]
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    • Treadmills
    • Ellipticals
    • Spin bikes
    • Rowing machines
  4. Aim for moderate- to vigorous-intensity during each session. Cardio provides a lot of great benefits like strengthening your heart and muscles, burning calories, and boosting your mood. In order to get the full benefits, make sure to push yourself to speed up your heart rate during each cardio session. You can measure your heart rate based on how you feel, or you can invest in a heart rate tracker. Just make sure not to overdo it. There's no shame at all in working at your own pace. If you feel pain or like you can't breathe, back off right away.[4]
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    • When you work out at moderate intensity, your breathing will quicken and you might sweat lightly. You should be able to talk, but not sing.
    • During a vigorous workout, you'll probably sweat within a few minutes. It will also be hard to say more than a few words without having to take a breath.
    • You can make any workout more intense by speeding up or adding resistance. For example, if you're walking, speed up your pace and carry a light set of hand weights.
  5. Adapt your cardio routine to include interval training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are a great way to up your cardio game. During HIIT, exercise at high intensity for a brief period of time and then slow down. You can add some HIIT bursts to any type of cardio.[5]
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    • For example, swim an entire lap as fast as you can. Then rest for the same amount of time that it took you to do the lap. Repeat as many times as you can.
    • If you're running, try sprinting for a minute, then walking for a minute. Go through several cycles.
    • Many cardio machines like treadmills and ellipticals have built-in interval training options that you can select.
    • You might find that you need to work your way up to doing HIIT. That's totally fine! Do what works for you.

[Edit]Strength Training Workouts

  1. Do strength training exercises 3-4 times a week. Plan for each of your strength sessions to last about 45 minutes. This amount of time will ensure that you get a complete workout, regardless of the type of training you choose to do. If you’re new to strength training, start with 3 sessions a week and work up to 4 when you feel stronger.[6]
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    • Allow your muscles to rest for 48 hours between strength sessions.
    • Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. They might have some really helpful tips for you.
  2. Lift weights at home or in the gym. Weight lifting is one of the most traditional and effective forms of strength training that you can do. If you have access to a gym or fitness center, take some time to familiarize yourself with the weight machines and free weights. Ask the staff or a personal trainer to guide you if you are new to lifting weights. They're there to help, so don't feel bad if you don't know how to do something. Once you understand how to do some basic exercises, plan to do 8-12 reps of each exercise. Start with 1 set, building up to 3 sets as you gain strength.[7]
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    • If you prefer to work out at home, consider investing in a set of weights. You can search online for videos and websites that can give you a wide variety of exercises you can do.
    • To build muscle, gradually increase how much weight you're lifting, as well as the number of reps you're doing in each session.[8]
  3. Perform bodyweight exercises to build muscle. If lifting weights isn’t your thing, bodyweight exercises are a great alternative. These are simple exercises that use the weight of your own body to provide resistance. At home or at the gym, do sets of push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges to build and retain muscles.[9]
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    • If you’re working out at home, consider putting a mat or towel down on the floor to make yourself more comfortable.
    • There are lots of free videos online that you can follow for some fun strength workouts. Try to do 3-4 45 minute sessions per week.
  4. Try functional fitness exercises to work your entire body. You might not know the term functional fitness, but odds are good that you’ve done some functional exercises before. They are typically simple movements that incorporate multiple joints and muscle groups in one exercise. They are great to strengthen your muscles and easy to perform at home or at the gym. Examples of functional fitness exercises include:[10]
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    • Multi-directional lunges
    • Standing rows
    • Squats
    • Kettlebell or medicine ball exercises
  5. Focus on proper form, not weight. You don’t have to lift heavy weights (or any weights at all) to keep your muscles toned. The key is to make sure that you use proper form during your strength routine. Position your body properly and make sure that you control your movements instead of making big swinging or jerking movements. Many experts recommend beginning with no weights at all when you’re just starting out.[11]
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    • For example, to do a basic squat, make sure that you keep your toes pointed forward and keep your chest and head up. As you grow stronger, you can hold some light weights in your hands if you want to level up.
    • Count while you exercise to help keep control. For example, try counting to 4 as you lower into your squat and count to 4 as you rise.[12]
    • It’s okay if you have questions about proper form. Everyone has questions when starting out. Ask an employee at your gym or follow the guidelines on a good website.

[Edit]Exercise Options

  1. Finish your strength workouts with cardio for added benefits. Save 10 minutes at the end of your work out for some high-intensity cardio. Some trainers refer to this simply as “a finisher” and it can yield great results. Adding the cardio burst can help you more effectively build and retain muscle. Try doing 10 minutes of exercises like:[13]
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    • Jogging
    • Jumping jacks
    • Burpees
    • Jumping rope
  2. Incorporate several different activities in your workout routine to increase muscle. Variety is the spice of life and it adds a lot of benefits to your workouts, too! If you do the same thing over and over again, it won’t be a challenge for your muscles and you’ll see decreased results. Change up your workouts by doing a variety of different things each week. Aim to include these types of exercises:[14]
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    • Cardio
    • Strength
    • Flexibility (stretching, yoga)
    • Balance (yoga, pilates)
  3. Take group classes to experience new workouts. Check out a local gym or fitness studio to see what they offer. Signing up for a group class is a great way to try something new and challenge your muscles. Look for classes like barre, spinning, boot camps, or Zumba. [15]
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    • Group classes are also great because they include a social aspect. This can make exercise feel more fun. You might also feel some accountability and attend more frequently.
  4. Warm up and cool down before and after workouts. Set aside 5-10 minutes before your workout to get your muscles loose and ready for exercise. You could warm up by walking slowly or doing some dynamic stretching. After you exercise, cool down for 5-10 minutes by stretching or doing some light cardio.[16]
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    • Stretching can help you to avoid injuries, so it’s really important to make time for it.

[Edit]What to Eat

  1. Eat healthy protein each day to maintain or build muscle. The amount of protein you need depends on your body type and your goals. But a general rule of thumb is that you need about 0.4 grams per 1 pound of body weight. So, if you weigh 150 lbs (68 kg), aim to eat about 56 grams of lean protein per day. Great choices include:[17]
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    • Lean chicken or pork
    • Low-fat dairy products, like yogurt or cottage cheese
    • Nuts and nut butter
    • Chickpeas
  2. Add good-quality carbs for a strength-training boost. You might have heard a lot about cutting carbs, but you actually need certain carbs to keep your muscles strong. The key is to look for complex carbs rather than simple carbs. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist if you have questions about what types of carbs you should be reaching for.[18]
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    • Some healthy carbs are whole-wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and grains like farro.
    • Always eat a meal with carbohydrates and protein before you exercise so your body will have the fuel it needs to power the workout. For instance, you might eat an almond butter and banana sandwich on whole-grain bread; oatmeal with fruits and crushed nuts; or sweet potato mash with a few pieces of chicken.[19]
    • Try to steer clear of white bread, white rice, and cookies or cake.
  3. Choose heart-healthy fats to strengthen your muscles. Your body needs healthy fats to provide your muscles with energy. Make sure that healthy fats make up about 20% of your daily calorie intake. You can easily track your nutrition on apps or websites. Good fats include olive oil, fish like salmon, and avocados.[20]
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  4. Make healthy eating part of your lifestyle. Don’t think about making healthy food choices as a temporary diet. Instead, make changes that you can stick with. Healthy eating habits will help you keep your body in shape and retain muscle. New habits can take a while to stick, so don't get mad at yourself if you have a setback. Just try to start fresh by eating healthy the next day.[21]
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    • Talk to your doctor about a healthy diet that is right for you.
    • Make it a point to eat healthy most of the time, but it’s fine to allow yourself the occasional treat.
    • Include at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies in your daily diet.
    • Get in the habit of weighing and measuring everything you eat. Otherwise, it's easy to underestimate how many calories you're taking in.[22]


  • Try working with a personal trainer if you’re having trouble getting the results that you want.
  • Always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program or making big dietary changes.


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/stay-fit-at-any-age/art-20270840
  2. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/16779-aerobic-exercise--heart-health
  3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/tips-for-choosing-the-right-exercise-equipment
  4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise-intensity/art-20046887
  5. https://www.health.harvard.edu/exercise-and-fitness/interval-training-for-a-stronger-heart
  6. http://umich.edu/~medfit/cardiovasculartraining/resistanceandcardiovasculartrainingbasics101104.html
  7. https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/whats-the-best-exercise-plan-for-me.htm
  8. [v161341_b01]. 19 March 2020.
  9. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/body-weight-training/faq-20147966
  10. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/functional-fitness/art-20047680
  11. https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/whats-the-best-exercise-plan-for-me.htm
  12. https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/whats-the-best-exercise-plan-for-me.htm
  13. https://www.self.com/story/strength-training-workout-effective-burning-fat
  14. https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/whats-the-best-exercise-plan-for-me.htm
  15. https://www.uwhealth.org/health-wellness/group-exercise-benefits/49276
  16. https://diet.mayoclinic.org/diet/move/cardio-101
  17. https://www.eatright.org/fitness/training-and-recovery/building-muscle/strength-building-and-muscle-mass
  18. https://www.eatright.org/fitness/training-and-recovery/building-muscle/strength-building-and-muscle-mass
  19. [v161341_b01]. 19 March 2020.
  20. https://www.eatright.org/fitness/training-and-recovery/building-muscle/strength-building-and-muscle-mass
  21. http://synergies.oregonstate.edu/2013/athletes-need-to-be-careful-to-monitor-diet-weight-to-maintain-muscle-mass/
  22. [v161341_b01]. 19 March 2020.

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/2G5B5JW

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